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Export Events of a REDCap project


  verbose = TRUE,
  config_options = NULL,
  handle_httr = NULL



The uri/url of the REDCap server typically formatted as "". Required.


The user-specific string that serves as the password for a project. Required.


A boolean value indicating if messages should be printed to the R console during the operation. The verbose output might contain sensitive information (e.g. PHI), so turn this off if the output might be visible somewhere public. Optional.


A list of options passed to httr::POST(). See details at httr::httr_options(). Optional.


The value passed to the handle parameter of httr::POST(). This is useful for only unconventional authentication approaches. It should be NULL for most institutions. Optional.


Currently, a list is returned with the following elements:

  • data: a tibble::tibble() with one row per arm-event combination. The columns are event_name (a human-friendly string), arm_num (an integer), unique_event_name (a string), custom_event_label (a string), and event_id (an integer).

  • success: A boolean value indicating if the operation was apparently successful.

  • status_code: The http status code of the operation.

  • outcome_message: A human readable string indicating the operation's outcome.

  • elapsed_seconds: The duration of the function.

  • raw_text: If an operation is NOT successful, the text returned by REDCap. If an operation is successful, the raw_text is returned as an empty string to save RAM.


The official documentation can be found on the 'API Help Page' and 'API Examples' pages on the REDCap wiki (i.e., and If you do not have an account for the wiki, please ask your campus REDCap administrator to send you the static material.


Ezra Porter, Will Beasley


# \dontrun{
uri            <- ""

# Query a longitudinal project with a single arm and 3 events
token_1  <- "76B4A71A0158BD34C98F10DA72D5F27C" # arm-single-longitudinal
result_1 <- REDCapR::redcap_event_read(redcap_uri=uri, token=token_1)
#> The list of events was retrieved from the REDCap project in 0.2 seconds. The http status code was 200.
#> # A tibble: 3 × 5
#>   event_name arm_num unique_event_name custom_event_label event_id
#>   <chr>        <int> <chr>             <chr>                 <int>
#> 1 Intake           1 intake_arm_1      NA                       95
#> 2 Dischage         1 dischage_arm_1    NA                       96
#> 3 Follow up        1 follow_up_arm_1   NA                       97

# Query a longitudinal project with 2 arms and complex arm-event mappings
token_2  <- "DA6F2BB23146BD5A7EA3408C1A44A556" # longitudinal
result_2 <- REDCapR::redcap_event_read(redcap_uri=uri, token=token_2)
#> The list of events was retrieved from the REDCap project in 0.3 seconds. The http status code was 200.
#> # A tibble: 12 × 5
#>    event_name              arm_num unique_event_name custom_event_label event_id
#>    <chr>                     <int> <chr>             <chr>                 <int>
#>  1 Enrollment                    1 enrollment_arm_1  NA                       61
#>  2 Dose 1                        1 dose_1_arm_1      NA                       62
#>  3 Visit 1                       1 visit_1_arm_1     NA                       63
#>  4 Dose 2                        1 dose_2_arm_1      NA                       64
#>  5 Visit 2                       1 visit_2_arm_1     NA                       65
#>  6 Final visit                   1 final_visit_arm_1 NA                       66
#>  7 Enrollment                    2 enrollment_arm_2  NA                       67
#>  8 Deadline to opt out of…       2 deadline_to_opt_… NA                       68
#>  9 First dose                    2 first_dose_arm_2  NA                       69
#> 10 First visit                   2 first_visit_arm_2 NA                       70
#> 11 Final visit                   2 final_visit_arm_2 NA                       71
#> 12 Deadline to return fee…       2 deadline_to_retu… NA                       72

# Query a classic project without events
token_3  <- "F9CBFFF78C3D78F641BAE9623F6B7E6A" # simple-write
result_3 <- REDCapR::redcap_event_read(redcap_uri=uri, token=token_3)
#> A 'classic' REDCap project has no events.  Retrieved in 0.4 seconds. The http status code was 400.
#> # A tibble: 0 × 5
#> # ℹ 5 variables: event_name <chr>, arm_num <int>, unique_event_name <chr>,
#> #   custom_event_label <chr>, event_id <int>
# }