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REDCapR (development version)

Version 1.4.0 (released 2025-01-11)

CRAN release: 2025-01-11

New Features

Minor Enhancements

  • Vignettes are not run/evaluated on CRAN, to comply with it policies. (#561)
  • Alt text for figures. (#550)

Version 1.3.0 (released 2024-10-22)

CRAN release: 2024-10-23

Minor Enhancements

  • Redirection layer for test suite allows you to plug in your own server (#539, #542, #544)
  • Skip a test when checked on CRAN servers (but not on local or GitHub Action machines)

Version 1.2.0 (released 2024-09-08)

CRAN release: 2024-09-09

Possibly Breaking Change

These changes could possibly break existing code –but it’s very unlikely. We feel they will (directly and indirectly) improve the package considerably.

  • redcap_read(), redcap_read_oneshot(), redcap_dag_read(), redcap_log_read(), and redcap_report() return a tibble instead of a data.frame. (#415)

    This should affect client code only if you expect a call like ds[, 3] to return a vector instead of a single-column data.frame/tibble. One solution is to upcast the tibble to a data.frame (with something like We recommend using an approach that works for both data.frames and tibbles, such as ds[[3]] or dplyr::pull(ds, "gender").

    For more information, read the short chapter in R for Data Science.

  • The *_collapsed parameters are deprecated. When your want to limit on records/fields/forms/events, pass the vector of characters, not the scalar character separated by commas (which I think everyone does already). In other words use c("demographics", "blood_pressure") instead of "demographics,blood_pressure".

    Here are the relationships between the four pairs of variables:

    records_collapsed   <- collapse_vector(records  , records_collapsed)
    fields_collapsed    <- collapse_vector(fields   , fields_collapsed)
    forms_collapsed     <- collapse_vector(forms    , forms_collapsed)
    events_collapsed    <- collapse_vector(events   , events_collapsed)

    If someone is using the *_collapsed parameter, they can programmatically convert it to a vector like:

    field_names <- trimws(unlist(strsplit(field_names_collapsed, ",")))
  • redcap_read() will automatically include the “plumbing” variables, even if they’re not included the list of requested fields & forms. (#442). Specifically:

    • record_id (or it’s customized name) will always be returned
    • redcap_event_name will be returned for longitudinal projects
    • redcap_repeat_instrument and redcap_repeat_instance will be returned for projects with repeating instruments

This will help extract forms from longitudinal & repeating projects.

  • redcap_read() and redcap_read_oneshot() now return an empty dataset if no records are retrieved (such as no records meet the filter criteria). Currently a 0x0 tibble is returned, but that may change in the future. Until now an error was deliberately thrown. (#452)

  • redcap_event_instruments() now by default returns mappings for all arms. The previous default was to return the mappings for only the first arm. To recreate the previous behavior use a call like REDCapR::redcap_event_instruments(uri, token_2, arms = "1"). (Suggested by @januz, #482)

  • redcap_users_export() used to return a boolean for user_rights, but now it can be 0, 1, or 2. (#523)

New Features

Minor Enhancements

Version 1.1.0 (released 2022-08-10)

CRAN release: 2022-08-10

New Features

Minor Enhancements

Test Suite

  • Added two more dictionaries that are super wide -5k & 35k variables (#335 & #360, @januz & @datalorax)
  • Read, modify, & read projects with DAGs (#353, daniela.wolkersdorfer, #353)

Version 1.0.0 (released 2021-07-21)

CRAN release: 2021-07-22

The package has been stable for years and should be reflected in the major version number.

Minor Enhancements

Stability Features

  • update for newer version of testthat -v3.0.0 (#312)
  • update for newer version of readr 2.0.0 (#343)
  • update for newer version of readr 1.4.0 (#313)
  • update for newer version of REDCap on test server (#310)
  • save expected datasets as files -instead of included in the actual test code (#308)

Corrections & Bug Fixes

Version 0.11.0 (Released 2020-04-20)

CRAN release: 2020-04-21

Breaking Changes (possible, but unlikely)

  • kernel_api() defaults to “text/csv” and UTF-8 encoding. Formerly, the function would decide on the content-type and encoding. More details are below in the ‘Stability Features’ subsection.

  • constant() no longer accepts simplify as an options. An integer vector is always returned. (#280)

New Features

Stability Features

  • httr::content() (which is inside kernel_api()) now processes the returned value as “text/csv”, by default. This should prevent strange characters from tricking the process as the internal variable raw_text is being formed. See the [httr::content()]( documentation for a list of possible values for thecontent_type` parameter. (Thanks to great debugging by @vortexing #269, @sybandrew #272, & @begavett, #290)

  • Similarly, kernel_api() now has an encoding parameter, which defaults to “UTF-8”. (#270)

Minor Enhancements

  • check for bad field names passed to the read records functions (#288)


Version 0.10.2 (Released 2019-09-22)

CRAN release: 2019-09-23

Minor New Features

Modified Internals

  • All interaction with the REDCap server goes through the new kernal_api() function, which uses the ‘httr’ and ‘curl’ packages underneath. Until now, each function called those packages directly. (#213)
  • When converting REDCap’s CSV to R’s data.frame, readr::read_csv() is used instead of utils::read.csv() (Issue #127).
  • updated to readr 1.2.0 (#200). This changed how some data variables were assigned a data types.
  • uses odbc package to retrieve credentials from the token server. Remove RODBC and RODBCext (#188). Thanks to @krlmlr for error checking advice in
  • data.table::rbindlist() replaced by dplyr::bind_rows()
  • the checkmate package inspects most function parameters now (instead of testit::assert() and base:stop() ) (#190 & #208).
  • collapse_vector() is refactored and tested (#209)
  • remove dependency on pkgload package (#218)
  • Update Markdown syntax to new formatting problems (#253)

Deprecated Features

Version 0.9.8 (Released 2017-05-18)

CRAN release: 2017-05-18

New Features

Bug Fixes

  • Adapted to new 2.4 version of curl (see #154)

Version 0.7-1 (Released 2014-12-17)

CRAN release: 2014-12-18

New Features

  • Updated for Version 6.0.x of REDCap (which introduced a lot of improvements to API behavior).

Version 0.6 (Released 2014-11-03)

New Features

Version 0.5 (Released 2014-10-19)

New Features

Minor Updates

  • Test suite now uses testthat::skip_on_cran() before any call involving OUHSC’s REDCap server.
  • Vignette example of subsetting, conditioned on a second variable’s value.

Version 0.4-28 (Released 2014-09-20)

CRAN release: 2014-09-20

New Features

Breaking Changes

  • The records_collapsed default empty value is now an empty string (i.e., "") instead of NULL. This applies when records_collapsed is either a parameter, or a returned value.


  • By default, the SSL certs come from the httr package. However, REDCapR will continue to maintain a copy in case httr’s version on CRAN gets out of date.
  • The tests are split into two collections: one that’s run by the CRAN checks, and the other run manually. Thanks, Gabor Csardi. Any test with a dependency outside the package code (especially the REDCap test projects) is run manually so changes to the test databases won’t affect the success of building the previous version on CRAN.
  • Corrected typo in redcap_download_file_oneshot() documentation, thanks to Andrew Peters (@ARPeters #45).

Version 0.3 (Released 2014-09-01)

New Features


  • Renamed the former status_message to outcome_message. This is because the message associated with http code returned is conventionally called the ‘status messages’ (eg, OK, Forbidden, Not Found).
  • If an operation is successful, the raw_text value (which was formerly called raw_csv) is returned as an empty string to save RAM. It’s not really necessary with httr’s status message exposed.

Bug Fixes

  • Correct batch reads with longitudinal schema #27

Version 0.2 (Released 2014-07-02)

New Features


Version 0.1 (Released 2014-01-14)

New Features

  • Introduces redcap_read() and redcap_read_batch() with documentation
  • SSL verify peer by default, using cert file included in package
  • Initial submission to GitHub


GitHub Commits and Releases