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The SQL code below adds schemas, a table and two stored procedures to an existing Microsoft SQL Server database. This second database is not essential to calling the REDCap API, but it helps manage tokens securely.

This database contains the tokens and other sensitive content (such as passwords, API tokens, and file paths) that should not be stored in a Git repository (even a private Git repository). These passwords can be retrieved by REDCapR::retrieve_credential_mssql().

Create a DSN on each client

After executing the SQL code in an existing database, create an ODBC DSN on each client machine that calls the database. Download the most recent drivers (as of Aug 2018, the most recent version is 17 for Windows and Linux), then run the wizard. Many values in the wizard will remain at the default values. Here are the important ones to change.

  1. Set the DSN’s name field to whatever is used in the repository’s R code.
  2. Set the authenticity method to Integrated Windows authentication.
  3. Set the default database to the name of the database that containing the tokens

In our code below, both DSN and database are named auxiliary_security.


We use Microsoft SQL Server, because that fits our university’s infrastructure most easily. But this approach theoretically can work with any LDAP-enabled database server. Please contact us if your institution is using something other than SQL Server (or a different configuration of these components), and would like help adapting this approach.

Create Database

This SQL code is run once inside an existing database to establish the schemas, table, and stored procedure used by REDCapR::retrieve_credential_mssql(). In this example, we’ve arbitrarily called the database auxiliary_security.

------- SQL code to create necessary components in a Microsoft SQL Sever database -------

-- Create two schemas.
-- The first schema is accessible by all REDCap API users.
-- The second schema is restricted to administrators.
CREATE SCHEMA [redcap_private]

-- Create a table to contain the token
CREATE TABLE redcap_private.tbl_credential (
  id            smallint        primary key,
  username      varchar(30)     not null,
  project_id    smallint        not null,
  instance      varchar(30)     not null,
  token         char(32)        not null,
  redcap_uri    varchar(255)    not null

CREATE UNIQUE NONCLUSTERED INDEX IX_tbl_credential_unique ON redcap_private.tbl_credential (
  instance        asc,
  project_id      asc,
  username        asc

-- Create a stored procedure for users to call to retrieve the token.
-- Notice it should a different (and more permissive) schema than the table.
CREATE PROCEDURE redcap.prc_credential
  @project_id smallint,
  @instance   varchar(30)

  SELECT username, project_id, token, redcap_uri FROM redcap_private.tbl_credential
    username   = system_user -- The username from the server's OS.
    project_id = @project_id -- Restricts to the desired REDCap project.
    instance   = @instance   -- System accommodates multiple REDCap instances.

Create user credentials to the auxiliary database

Add a user’s LDAP account to the auxiliary_security database so that they can query the tables to retrieve their API.

Notice that this only gives the permissions to retrieve the token. You still must grant them API privileges to each appropriate REDCap project. The automation in the R file below will copy the API token from the MySQL database into the auxiliary_security database (see the ‘Transfer Credentials’ section).

Only database admins should have authorization for the ‘redcap_private’ schema. Typical users should not be authorized for this schema. The current system allows typical users to view only their own tokens.

-- Add a user account to the auxiliary_security database so that they can query the tables to retrieve their API.
-- Notice that this only gives the permissions to retrieve the token.  You must still:
--   1) grant them API privileges to each appropriate REDCap project, and
--   2) copy the API from the REDCap database into the  auxiliary_security database.
-- Also, do not give typical users authorization for the 'redcap_private' schema.  The current system allows them to view only their own tokens.

-- STEP #1: Declare the user name.  If everything runs correctly, this should be the only piece of code that you need to modify.
print 'Step #1 executing....'
USE [master]
DECLARE @qualified_user_name varchar(255); SET @qualified_user_name = '[OUHSC\lsuarez3]'
print 'Resulting login name: ' + @qualified_user_name; print ''

--EXEC sp_helplogins @LoginNamePattern=@qualified_user_name
--SELECT * FROM master..syslogins WHERE name = @qualified_user_name
--SELECT * FROM auxiliary_security.sys.sysusers
--SELECT * FROM sys.database_permissions
--SELECT * FROM sys.server_principals

-- STEP #2: Create a login for the *server*.
print 'Step #2 executing....'
DECLARE @sql_create_login nvarchar(max)
SET @sql_create_login = 'CREATE LOGIN ' + @qualified_user_name + ' FROM WINDOWS WITH DEFAULT_DATABASE=[auxiliary_security]'
EXECUTE sp_executesql @sql_create_login
DECLARE @login_count AS INT; SET @login_count = (SELECT COUNT(*) AS login_count FROM master..syslogins WHERE '[' + loginname + ']' = @qualified_user_name)
print 'Logins matching desired name should equal 1.  It equals: ' + CONVERT(varchar, @login_count); print ''

-- STEP #3: Create a user account for the *database*, after switching the database under focus to auxiliary_security.
print 'Step #3 executing....'
USE [auxiliary_security]
DECLARE @sql_create_user nvarchar(max)
SET @sql_create_user = 'CREATE USER ' + @qualified_user_name + ' FOR LOGIN ' + @qualified_user_name
EXECUTE sp_executesql @sql_create_user
DECLARE @user_count AS INT; SET @user_count = (SELECT COUNT(*) AS user_count FROM auxiliary_security.sys.sysusers WHERE '[' + name + ']' = @qualified_user_name)
print 'User accounts matching desired name should equal 1.  It equals: ' + CONVERT(varchar, @user_count); print ''

-- STEP #4: Grant appropriate privileges for the 'redcap' schema.
print 'Step #4 executing....'
DECLARE @sql_grant_schema_redcap nvarchar(max)
SET @sql_grant_schema_redcap = 'GRANT EXECUTE ON SCHEMA::[redcap] TO ' + @qualified_user_name
EXECUTE sp_executesql @sql_grant_schema_redcap
print 'Step #4 executed'; print ''

-- STEP #5: Grant appropriate privileges for the 'Security' schema.
print 'Step #5 executing....'
DECLARE @sql_grant_schema_security nvarchar(max)
SET @sql_grant_schema_security = 'GRANT EXECUTE ON SCHEMA::[security] TO ' + @qualified_user_name
EXECUTE sp_executesql @sql_grant_schema_security
print 'Step #5 executed'; print ''

-- OPTIONAL STEP: Delete the user from the database (the first line) and then the server (the second line).
-- The person's other database user accounts (besides with the auxiliary_security database) will NOT be automatically deleted by these two lines.
--USE [auxiliary_security]; DROP USER [OUHSC\lsuarez3]
--USE [master]; DROP LOGIN [OUHSC\lsuarez3]

  --The @qualified_user_name must have both (a) the 'OUHSC' domain qualification, and (b) the square brackets (to escape the backslash).
  --Using sp_executesql to add users:
  --Check if a server login exists:
  --Retrieve database users:
  --Concatenating strings:
  --DROP USER from database:
  --DROP LOGIN from server:
  --Declaring variables (eg, the username above):
  --A different (& non-dynamic) way to establish a user:
  --If the variable has to cross a 'GO' (which the current version of the script doesn't need):

Transfer Credentials

Manually transferring tokens to the auxiliary server becomes unmanageable as your institution’s collection of API users grows. This script demonstrates how to programmatically transfer all tokens from multiple REDCap instances. The basic steps are:

  1. Read from the MySQL database(s) underneath each REDCap instance on your campus.
  2. Combine & groom the credentials.
  3. Upload to SQL Server (called auxiliary_security here).
rm(list=ls(all=TRUE)) #Clear the memory for any variables set from any previous runs.

# ---- load-sources ------------------------------------------------------------

# ---- load-packages -----------------------------------------------------------
if (!require(OuhscMunge))
  stop('The `OuhscMunge` package needs to be installed with `remotes::install_github("OuhscBbmc/OuhscMunge")`.')

  "The `OuhscMunge` package should meet a minimal version.",
  compareVersion( as.character(packageVersion("OuhscMunge")), "") >= 0L

requireNamespace("OuhscMunge")  # remotes::install_github("OuhscBbmc/OuhscMunge")

# ---- declare-globals ---------------------------------------------------------
# This file assume your campus has two REDCap instances.
# Modify each (a) database name, (b) REDCap URL, and (c) DSN name.

name_production <- "production"
name_dev        <- "dev"

uri_production  <- "",
uri_dev         <- ""

dsn_production  <- "redcap-production"
dsn_dev         <- "redcap-dev"
dsn_source      <- "auxiliary_security" # The DSN of the token server.

# The Activity Directory name that should precede each username.
#   This should correspond with the result of SQL Server's `SYSTEM_USER` function
#   (
ldap_prefix <- "OUHSC\\"

# Nothing below this line should need to change, assuming:
# 1. the vignette was followed exactly (,
# 2. your campus has exactly two REDCap instances.

# SQL sent to the MySQL database underneath each REDCap instance.
sql <- "
  SELECT username, project_id, api_token
  FROM redcap_user_rights
  WHERE api_token IS NOT NULL

# Update this ad-hoc CSV.  Each row should represent one REDCap instance.
ds_url <- tibble::tribble(
  ~instance         , ~redcap_uri,
  name_production   , uri_production,
  name_dev          , uri_dev

# Remove variables that aren't used below.
rm(uri_production, uri_dev)

# ---- load-data ---------------------------------------------------------------

# Load the credentials from the first/production REDCap instance.
cnn_production  <- DBI::dbConnect(odbc::odbc(), dsn=dsn_production)
ds_production   <- DBI::dbGetQuery(cnn_production, sql)
DBI::dbDisconnect(cnn_production); rm(cnn_production, dsn_production)

# Load the credentials from the second/dev REDCap instance.
cnn_dev         <- DBI::dbConnect(odbc::odbc(), dsn=dsn_dev)
ds_dev          <- DBI::dbGetQuery(cnn_dev, sql)
DBI::dbDisconnect(cnn_dev); rm(cnn_dev, dsn_dev)


# Assert these are valid datasets and contain at least 5 rows.
#   Adjust '5' to smaller value if necessary.  It's just to catch blatant retrieval problems.
checkmate::assert_data_frame(ds_production, min.rows=5)
checkmate::assert_data_frame(ds_dev       , min.rows=5)

# ---- tweak-data --------------------------------------------------------------

# Label each instance, so they're distinguishable later.
ds_production$instance <- name_production
ds_dev$instance        <- name_dev

# Stack the token collection from each instance.  Then prefix the username and include the URL of each instance.
ds <-
  ds_production %>%
  dplyr::union(ds_dev) %>%                                # Remove union if the dev instance isn't included.
  tibble::as_tibble() %>%
    username        = username,
    project_id      = project_id,
    instance        = instance,
    token           = api_token
  ) %>%
    username        = paste0(ldap_prefix, username), # Qualify for the Active Directory.
  ) %>%
  dplyr::left_join( ds_url, by="instance") %>%            # Include the instance URL.
  dplyr::arrange(instance, project_id, username) %>%
  tibble::rowid_to_column("id")                           # For the sake of a clustered primary key.

rm(ds_production, ds_dev, ds_url)
rm(name_production, name_dev)

# ---- verify-values -----------------------------------------------------------

# Assert that the dataset is well-behaved.
# OuhscMunge::verify_value_headstart(ds)
checkmate::assert_integer(  ds$id         , any.missing=FALSE, lower=1, upper=.Machine$integer.max, unique=TRUE)
checkmate::assert_character(ds$username   , any.missing=FALSE, pattern="^.{1,255}$"                         )
checkmate::assert_integer(  ds$project_id , any.missing=FALSE, lower=1, upper=.Machine$integer.max          )
checkmate::assert_character(ds$token      , any.missing=FALSE, pattern="^[A-Z0-9]{32}$"           , unique=TRUE)
checkmate::assert_character(ds$instance   , any.missing=FALSE, pattern="^.{1,255}$"                         )
checkmate::assert_character(ds$redcap_uri , any.missing=FALSE, pattern="^.{1,255}$"                         )

  "The `username` x `project_id` x `instance` must be unique.",
  sum(duplicated(paste0(ds$username, "-", ds$project_id, "-", ds$instance))) == 0L

testit::assert("At least 10 tokens should be ready to write." , 10L <= nrow(ds))

# ---- specify-columns-to-upload -----------------------------------------------

# Dictate the exact columns and order that will be uploaded.
columns_to_write <- c("id", "username", "project_id", "instance", "token", "redcap_uri")
ds_slim          <- ds[, columns_to_write]

# ---- upload-to-db ------------------------------------------------------------------

  d               = ds_slim,
  schema_name     = "redcap_private",
  table_name      = "tbl_credential",
  dsn_name        = dsn_source,
  create_table    = FALSE,
  clear_table     = TRUE,
  transaction     = TRUE,
  verbose         = TRUE
# Uploading 252 tokens takes 0.004 minutes.

Document Info

This document is primarily based on REDCap version 8.4.0, and was last updated 2018-08-10. A development version of the document is available on GitHub: