13  Mosio


Thomas Wilson

You can integrate Mosio into your REDCap project to communicate with participants via text messaging.

13.1 Motivation & Overview

In recent years, many researchers have found that texting is a productive channel for keeping in touch with participants, either by itself or as a supplement to conventional communication. Mosio is a company that develops, supports, and licenses a product called REDCap Direct.

The REDCap Direct website provides a lot of current information that we won’t try to replicate in this manual. Instead we’ll outline when you might consider it, and how to ask OU’s Server Administrators for help establishing for your project.

13.2 Create Mosio Account

Your team must create your own account with its own credit card…

13.3 Connect Project

Within your REDCap project…

13.4 Configure Communication Pattern

To schedule actual text messages…

Chapter Leads: Thomas Wilson

Additional Chapter Details

This chapter was started in October 2024. If you have suggested modifications or additions, please see How to Contribute on the book’s welcome page.