D Presentations
Here is a collection of presentations by the BBMC and friends that may help demonstrate concepts discussed in the previous chapters.
- prairie-outpost-public: Documentation and starter files for OUHSC’s Clinical Data Warehouse.
D.2 REDCap
Secure Medical Data Collection - Best Practices with Excel, and Leveling Up to REDCap & CollaboratoR. R/Medicine 2021, Virtual. Accompanying vignette: Typical REDCap Workflow for a Data Analyst.
REDCap Systems Integration. REDCap Con 2015, Portland, Oregon.
Literate Programming Patterns and Practices with REDCap REDCap Con 2014, Park City, Utah.
Interacting with the REDCap API using the REDCapR Package REDCap Con 2014, Park City, Utah.
Optimizing Study Management using REDCap, R, and other software tools. SCUG 2013.
D.3 Reproducible Research & Visualization
- Building pipelines and dashboards for practitioners: Mobilizing knowledge with reproducible reporting. Displaying Health Data Colloquium 2018, University of Victoria.
- Interactive reports and webpages with R & Shiny. SCUG 2015.
- Big data, big analysis: a collaborative framework for multistudy replication. Conventional of Canadian Psychological Association, Victoria BC, 2016.
- WATS: wrap-around time series: Code to accompany WATS Plot article, 2014.
D.4 Data Management
- BBMC Validator: catch and communicate data errors. SCUG 2016.
- Text manipulation with Regular Expressions, Part 1 and Part 2. SCUG 2016.
- Time and Effort Data Synthesis. SCUG 2015.
D.6 Software
- REDCapR: Interaction Between R and REDCap.
- OuhscMunge: Data manipulation operations commonly used by the Biomedical and Behavioral Methodology Core within the Department of Pediatrics of the University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center.
- codified: Produce standard/formalized demographics tables.
- usnavy billets: Optimally assigning naval officers to billets.
D.7 Architectures
Linear Pipeline of the R Analysis Skeleton
Many-to-many Pipeline of the R Analysis Skeleton
Immunization transfer
IALSA: A Collaborative Modeling Framework for Multi-study Replication
POPS: Automated daily screening eligibility for rare and understudied prescriptions.
D.8 Components
- Customizing display tables: using css with DT and kableExtra. SCUG 2018.
- yaml and expandable trees that selectively show subsets of hierarchy, 2017.