D Presentations

Here is a collection of presentations by the BBMC and friends that may help demonstrate concepts discussed in the previous chapters.


  1. prairie-outpost-public: Documentation and starter files for OUHSC’s Clinical Data Warehouse.

D.3 Reproducible Research & Visualization

  1. Building pipelines and dashboards for practitioners: Mobilizing knowledge with reproducible reporting. Displaying Health Data Colloquium 2018, University of Victoria.
  2. Interactive reports and webpages with R & Shiny. SCUG 2015.
  3. Big data, big analysis: a collaborative framework for multistudy replication. Conventional of Canadian Psychological Association, Victoria BC, 2016.
  4. WATS: wrap-around time series: Code to accompany WATS Plot article, 2014.

D.4 Data Management

  1. BBMC Validator: catch and communicate data errors. SCUG 2016.
  2. Text manipulation with Regular Expressions, Part 1 and Part 2. SCUG 2016.
  3. Time and Effort Data Synthesis. SCUG 2015.

D.6 Software

  1. REDCapR: Interaction Between R and REDCap.
  2. OuhscMunge: Data manipulation operations commonly used by the Biomedical and Behavioral Methodology Core within the Department of Pediatrics of the University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center.
  3. codified: Produce standard/formalized demographics tables.
  4. usnavy billets: Optimally assigning naval officers to billets.

D.7 Architectures

  1. Linear Pipeline of the R Analysis Skeleton


  2. Many-to-many Pipeline of the R Analysis Skeleton


  3. Immunization transfer


  4. IALSA: A Collaborative Modeling Framework for Multi-study Replication


  5. POPS: Automated daily screening eligibility for rare and understudied prescriptions.


D.8 Components

  1. Customizing display tables: using css with DT and kableExtra. SCUG 2018.
  2. yaml and expandable trees that selectively show subsets of hierarchy, 2017.